Comment from: Edgar

Comment from: Ion Rey

Congratulations! You got a fantastic and original skin. Thank you so much for your work.
Comment from: susilo mulyono

Great skin, with eye contact for the specifict categories, it is better for the public info, couse someone will interest to go down every detail post.
Comment from: Miguel Chaves

I have test this template to try to use for a student group. However, as I have posted as problems have appeared. I dont know why, but the title desappeared and The Post it movement doesnt work well like the preview.
the website is this www.caosfocado.com
Also, I would like to know how can I edit the informations on the post it (type of letter, colors, take out the links)?
Thanks so much for the helping!!
Comment from: Diogo Dutra

Congratulations for this amazing template!! It’s really cool…
However, I have tried to set up the color of the post-it and I didn’t find the place. In my tests, I just got to post yellow and green post-its. How can I put the pink post it?!
Thanks so much!
i like that this skin is thinking outside the box. good work - just wish we could see what I single article would look like.