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Comment from: Nicole


great skin! Love how you can customize it without editing code.

Any way to make it so widgets can be placed in the header, like a banner?

2010-07-20 @ 02:05

Comment from:


Do you mean in place of blog tagline or right above the menu? It’s a good idea, I’ll add a widgets container in header in future release.

Please reply to the skin’s support thread on forum instead

2010-07-20 @ 04:12

Comment from: zerodivision


great skin but why is there 2 home buttons? How do you get rid of one?

2010-07-25 @ 03:17

Comment from:


The first one is hard-coded in skin. You can remove the second button from “Menu” container on Blog settings > Widget tab in back-office.

2010-07-25 @ 07:11

Comment from: Jacqui


Hi there,
Love the skin! We have two problems though, we can’t get the MORE button working and we can’t figure out how to get the comment option back. Please help

2010-10-22 @ 05:03

Comment from: Cheryl


I love the skin, but I need some help with the header bar. The hard coding is trying to send visitors to a ‘contact’ and an ‘about’ page at locations that don’t exist and I can’t find anywhere to change that. Help?

2010-10-27 @ 02:13

Comment from: Harry


Great skin. I am having a slight problem with it though. In the tabbed sidebar widget when I choose archives I get a very long list that goes way beyond the graphic background before the “more” link appears.

2010-11-02 @ 20:11

Comment from:


You can edit the image /mystique/images/box.png and upload it back.

2010-11-04 @ 00:18

Comment from: Jonathan Bolton

Jonathan Bolton

Great skin just one problem - the tabbed widget does not load properly I have to click on the tags icon then back on categories to get it to load.
Any help much appreciated.

2011-10-18 @ 17:34

Comment from:


I see what you mean. However it works just fine on the demo website. I’ll try to fix it in the next release.

2011-10-18 @ 19:40

Comment from: Matt


This looks great and functions well. Can you tell me if there’s an easy way to change the background colour of the columns? Is that controlled in the CSS? I wanted to experiment with more of a grey colour. Thanks a lot

2012-01-30 @ 19:29

Comment from:


Try this in style.css

#sidebar .blocks { background-color: red }

#sidebar2 .blocks { background-color: green }

2012-01-30 @ 19:51

Comment from: Matt


This skin doesn’t work in IE when I have the yahooplayer loaded. Can you tell me why please? I would like to use it again one day.

Look forward to your reply. Many thanks

2012-02-28 @ 20:03

Comment from:


wasn’t there supposed to be a 2.0.2 out already? I did download it but forgot where from …somewhere in the forum maybe, BUT the twitter widget was still NOT working.

Maybe the author could update this download as well with the 2 0 2 and let us know when the twitter issue gets a fix.

I also wish someone would develop a separate widget for a header image slider like the chita skin has.

So far the skin seems pretty versatile, I use it for http://www.adrian-alexander.com

What bothers me is that the footer keeps arranging elements one near the other instead of placing each new one below. How do I get to change that somehow?

2014-02-09 @ 11:34

Comment from:

B2evolution 5.1.1

Public Blog Tab not shown.

2014-09-03 @ 15:17

Comment from:

Hi @Ralf,

You need to add the widget “Public blog list” to the “Page Top” container.

2014-10-01 @ 07:42

Comment from:


This skin not work with V6.

Any solution? please, help me. :_(


Error: wrong $params

2015-07-15 @ 12:33

Comment from: kalle


Hi there.

I use this skin at my blog and i liked it, now i did the upgrade to version 6.6.1 and now is it not working, is there any upgrade coming for this skin that works with the new version of the B2evo blog.

I have customized my version a lite with an extra sidebar.

2015-07-27 @ 13:48

Comment from:

This skin has been updated to version 2.1.0.

Main changes was focussed on bug fixing for b2evolution v6. Please see changelog above for details.

As a side note, a Github repository for this skin has been created. So, @sam2kb please tell us if you want to fork it and keep maintining this skin or if it’s ok for you that we keep releasing small fixes, as until now.


2015-08-06 @ 02:06

Comment from: Lex


Manuel Garcia,

Thank you SO much for updating the Mystique skin so that it works for b2evolution V6!! I almost went back to an earlier b2 so I could continue to use it.

2015-08-17 @ 05:24

Comment from:

Love this skin! Is it easy to add “threaded comment” support?

2016-03-06 @ 12:15