Comment from: Kaos

Cool skin.
Comment from: mgsolipa

This skin is now updated to include the comments container.
Comment from: mightokondriac

Not sure why, but if you make this your blog skin: From home-> click on blog with this skin. Once in blog-> click “Pinit"(which makes no sense, why isn’t this the blog title/tag?) and it takes you to the blogs home page, redundant with “Frontpage” link. I doubt this was intentional. Lmk if I can fix this some how.
Comment from: mightokondriac

I think its here, in index.main.php(:37)
37: echo $Blog->gen_blogurl() … title= … $Blog->name
38: img alt= … echo $Blog->name
– I believe that in the first line, the link thats being generated is its-own-link. I believe this should be something like $Site->gen_siteurl() …. $Site->name …. or something of that nature. I would like to use this skin but it breaks my site.
Comment from: mgsolipa

@mightokondriac in general, the main logo of a website usually links to the home page, it’s almost a default behavior. Actually, if you look at the top of this page, the b2evolution logo and the “Home” option of the main menu are both linking to the same page.
So, if you think it’s redundant, what you might remove is the “Front Page” option of the collection’s main menu, which is a widget located in the Menu container (http://b2evolution.net/man/menu-link-widget).
You can also hide/replace the “Pinit” logo, but you will need to do it by touching the skin’s code.
Comment from: thatgrrl

_skin.class.php NOT FOUND! - The skin won’t fully install to be used in the latest stable b2 version.