Comment from: Vladimir

Comment from: Emin

Thank you.
But skins have nothing to do with the smileys
Comment from: Vladimir

Perhaps, but in other skins smiley inserted. Here when you click on the smiley, nothing happens
Comment from: zebulon8

Too bad - I get errors:
Notice: Undefined property: User::$group_ID in /hermes/bosoraweb016/b19/blogs/skins/chita/tq_definitions.php on line 15
Comment from: adrian_alexander

The error can be fixed you must delete one of the = in the tq_definitions file. Usually your user group ID is 1 so in there at line 14 there are 2 = like == and just delete one of them, reupload the file and you’re done :)
Comment from: mgsolipa

@adrian_alexander and @zebulon8, thanks for review and report. Actually, deleting an equal sign =
you are hiding the notice, but it doesn’t solve the issue. In order to get this working properly, you have to replace $current_User->group_ID
by $current_User->grp_ID
in the referred file.
Please, note from now on, the downloadable file already contains this modifications.
Comment from: adrian_alexander

I am wondering with so many GUI customizations from the back office if I could modify the height of the picture slide and where. Also if I understand correctly 15 is the max pics I can place in the slide?
Comment from: adrian_alexander

I changed that group into grp and it gives errors again
Notice: Undefined property: User::$group_ID in /home/th401/public_html/skins/chita/tq_definitions.php on line 15
So no thank you I’ll change it to group again it seems something is still wrong in there.
Comment from: adrian_alexander

Actually nvm , different line, there were two “group” words there that needed changed to grp, now it works, sorry . I also found where to change slider height, I was confused by the fact in both places it actually says width but of course since the “example 250px” had a lower value it was obvious that was the height :)
Do you think this slider could be turned into a plugin that I could apply to any skin and place similar to how it is placed here?
Comment from: mgsolipa

That’s right @adrian_alexander, I was writing you that the variables replacement needs to be done twice in the same file (lines 14 and 15). I will check the “width” wording issue in the interface and update.
Of course, ideas are welcomed to be heard, let me extend your suggestion about the slider to the developers in order to evaluate its incorporation as a plugin.
Comment from: Will Knot B. Revealed Snr.

New to B2e, but this is my fav skin so far. :)
Skin is the best ever seen me before!
I think author has provided all
One mistake spoils the mood.
Do not automatically insert smileys. Where can I fix it?