Photo Albums Categories: 1 column, 2 column, Fluid, Menu, Configurable color, Photoblog, b2evo v5, b2evo v6Photo Albums is a photo gallery skin made especially for b2evolution photo-blog. It has fully responsive design. Default color is gray, but the color scheme is completely configurable in the back-office. more »
Touch Categories: 1 column, Pre-installed, Black, Gray, Fluid, Mobile phone, Blog / General, b2evo v5, b2evo v6
Asevo Categories: 2 column, Pre-installed, Widget Support, Right sidebar, Gray, Red, White, Variable width, Menu, Blog / General, b2evo v5, b2evo v6
PhotoBlog Categories: 1 column, Pre-installed, Widget Support, Gray, Fixed, Menu, Photoblog, b2evo v5, b2evo v6
Evopress Categories: 2 column, Pre-installed, Widget Support, Right sidebar, Blue, White, Fixed, Menu, Intro/featured posts support, Blog / General, b2evo v5, b2evo v6
Dating Mood Categories: 2 column, Pre-installed, Right sidebar, Black, Pink, White, Fixed, Configurable color, Blog / General, b2evo v5, b2evo v6